Today we will discuss how we can configure iSCSI in SVM NetApp Cluster-Mode. Basically iSCSI protocol is used for LUN allocation to various hosts via LAN.
In iSCSI, the data transfer happens via Local Area Network. This is why the performance is less in comparison to the FC protocol.
You can try to increase the performance by using a 10G network port and by enabling Jumbo Frames.
Below are the overall steps that need to perform in order to configure iSCSI in SVM NetApp Cluster-Mode.
Check out the post to create iSCSI LUNs in NetApp Cluster Mode.
Steps to configure iSCSI in SVM NetApp Cluster-Mode.
1. Add iSCSI License is Netapp Custer
2. Add iSCSI protocol in SVM allowed Protocol List
3. Create iSCSI Server in SVM Netapp
4. Create iSCSI Lif in each node of the cluster
5. Discover iSCSI target in windows server
We are going to discuss each step one by one along with the command that we need to use to enable iSCSI in SVM NetApp cluster mode.
Step 1: Add iSCSI License is Netapp Custer Mode
Below command will add the iSCSI licence in NetApp cluster mode.
cluster1::> system license add -license-code AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Once the command is executed you can execute the below command to see if iSCSI license added or not?
cluster1::> system license show
Step 2: Add iSCSI Protocol in SVM allowed protocol list
Before we use any Protocol in SVM we need to check whether that particular protocol is present in the protocol list of SVM or not.
Below command will show what are the protocol present in SVM.
cluster1::> vserver show-protocols -vserver vs1
If you see iSCSI in the output of the above command then we can proceed for the next step. Else we need to add the iSCSI protocol in the SVM by using the below command.
cluster1::> vserver add-protocols -vserver vs1 -protocols iSCSI
Step 3: Create iSCSI server in SVM Netapp Cluster Mode
In this step, we are going to enable the iSCSI Protocol in SVM. Once we have done with this step then only we will be able to perform iSCSI operations in SVM.
cluster::> vserver iscsi create -vserver vs1
In order to verify if iSCSI service is enabled or not you can execute the below command.
cluster::> iSCSI show -vserver vs1
Step 4 Create iSCSI LIF In SVM Netapp Cluster Mode
In this step, we will create iSCSI lif. iSCSI lif creation is similar to normal LIF creation. The only difference is that we have to mention the iSCSI protocol while creating the lif.
In order to maintain the multipath, we must create lif in each node of the cluster. Below is the command to create lif on node 1.
cluster::> network interface create -vserver vs1 -lif iscsilif1 -role data -data-protocol iscsi -home-node node1 -home-port e0e -subnet-name subnet1
In the above command, we have used subnet to create the lif. You can click here to see how subnetwork in the NetApp cluster mode.
Now all the steps from Netapp side is completed. Now follow the below steps to complete the configuration from Windows Side.
Steps 5: Discover iSCSI target in windows server
1. Open the iSCSI Initiator Properties dialog box:
Windows Server 2012 Server Manager > Dashboard > Tools > iSCSI Initiator Windows Server 2008 Start > Administrative Tools > iSCSI Initiator
2. On the Discovery tab, click Discover Portal or Add Portal, and then enter the IP address of the SCSI target port.
3. On the Targets tab, select the target you discovered, and then click Log on or Connect.
4. Select Enable multi-path, select Automatically restore this connection when the computer starts or Add this connection to the list of Favorite Targets, and then click Advanced.
5. For Local adapter, select Microsoft iSCSI Initiator.
The following example is from Windows Server 2008:
iSCSI Configuration In Windows Netapp Cluster Mode |
6. For Source IP or Initiator IP, select the IP address of a port on the same subnet or VLAN as oneof the iSCSI target LIFs.
7. Retain the default values for the remaining checkboxes, and then click OK.
Once the steps from the Windows side are done. We will be able to see the iSCSI initiator in SVM as well. Below is the command to see them.
cluster::> iSCSI initiator show -vserver vs1
Now the SVM is ready to server iSCSI traffic. The next step is to create a LUN and map it to the windows server. In the windows server, the LUN will be mapped as a local drive and can be used for data operation.
Check Out the YouTube Video which explains each step in detail along with the command line Demo.
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