Online Practice Test NS0-161 NetApp Certification Exam

Test your skills by taking NetApp Certification NS0-161 online practice test. Online practice tests consist of sample questions and answers that may come up in the real exams.

You will get the real exam experience while taking our NS0-161 online practice test. At the end of the exam, you will get to know results along with the answers.

NS0-161 is a professional level certification exam for NetApp Administrator. Storage admin who is responsible for managing day to day operational NetApp storage activities should take this exam.

If you are looking for AWS Dumps then check our post on AWS dumps PassLeader review.

Online Practice Test NS0-161 NetApp Certification Exam

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NetApp Certification NS0-161 Online Practice Test

1 / 10

Which NetApp software do you use to confirm that the SAS cabling is correct?

2 / 10

Which one of these is not a Storage Efficiency Features?

3 / 10

An administrator wants to configure cluster peering between two clusters. In this situation, which role must be used when a LIF is configured?

4 / 10

What happens first during a failback event of the controller?

5 / 10

Which two types of HA policies are applied to which types of aggregates? (Choose Two)

6 / 10

Can we create a volume clone from a snapshot?

7 / 10

An administrator has an SVM named vs1 that is being used for UNIX workloads. Name mappings have been configured with both local names mapping files and with LDAP. NIS will not be used in the environment. The administrator needs to ensure that LDAP takes precedence for access over file-based name mappings. In this scenario, how would you accomplish this task?

8 / 10

You have deleted a volume but aggregate available space is not increasing. What may be the reason.

9 / 10

Plex is related to which features of NetApp?

10 / 10

A customer has an ONTAP 9.7 AFF A220 with 12 internal SSDs. The customer wants to expand their existing aggregates by adding 12 more SSDs to the empty drive slots on the internal shelf. Which two steps must you take to accomplish this task? (Choose Two)

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Exam Topics Of NS0-161

You must prepare before applying for the exam. Below are some important topics that must be aware of. We recommend you to complete this course, which definitely helps you to pass the exam.

This udemy course not only covers all related topics but also provides an online practice test for NS0 160.

Storage Platforms

  • Describe knowledge of physical storage systems.
  • Describe software-defined on-premises or cloud storage systems.
  • How to upgrade or scale ONTAP clusters.


  • Describe ONTAP system management.
  • High availability concepts.
  • Describe how to manage Storage Virtual Machines (SVM).

Logical Storage

  • Describe how to use logical storage features.
  • NetApp storage efficiency features.
  • Describe NetApp ONTAP Data Fabric solutions.


  • Describe how to use network components.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of how to troubleshoot network components.

SAN Solutions and Connectivity

  • Describe how to use SAN solutions.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of how to troubleshoot SAN solutions.

NAS Solutions

  • Describe how to use NAS solutions.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of how to troubleshoot NAS solutions.

Data Protection

  • Describe how to use ONTAP data protection solutions.
  • Describe how to use SnapMirror.
  • Identify MetroCluster concepts.


  • Describe protocol security.
  • Security hardening.
  • Describe inflight or at rest encryption.
  • Identify SnapLock concepts.


  • Demonstrate knowledge of how to administer ONTAP performance.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of how to troubleshoot storage system performance.

NS0-161 Number Of Questions?

In the NS0 161 certification exam, you will get 60 questions and you need to answer them within 90 minutes. If you choose the non-English language, then you will get 30 minutes extra.

You can schedule an exam on the Pearson VUE portal. To know more about the exam topics visit NetApp official site.

Read our post on common interview question for Storage admin.

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